Friday, 20 February 2009

Logos shmogos

As mentioned earlier we've got to make a showreel. Apparently deadline is around 20th of March so I should really start getting on with it properly. Its three of us working on it - Alex, Dan and me, so each of us have bits of different thing to do. My first bit is creating a logo. We still haven't made our final decision about the title and I think at this point we are not going to, as we heard those titles too many times by now.
Dan if you're seeing this - please tell me is there at least one you like. Please! Peasepleaseplease!

Design shmesign

To help us to get a good idea how does the scarecrow should look like I've made a small model of a scarecrow.
At this point we have finished with rough character designs, storyboards and animatic of the film, of which the first scene is uploaded on Alex's blog. 
It is a little annoying that we have to put the film on hold as a showreel is on the way now. So I'm of to shmesign some logos and character shmesigns for the showreel.